marți, 1 februarie 2011
Aneli Munteanu @Galeria MORA
Galeria MORA & Aneli Munteanu
va invita la vernisajul instalatiei
vineri, 4 februarie, ora 19:00
Bucuresti, Str. Grigore Mora nr.39, la mansarda
“… semnificatia unei imagini nu este o suma a intentiilor artistului, privitorului si ale lucrarii; este un camp de lupta si o masa de joc, unde dorinte mai mult sau mai putin constiente negociaza un compromis intre interpretari adesea incompatibile.” (din scrisoarea unui prieten catre artista)
Cand nu traieste in Bucuresti, Aneli Munteanu isi petrece timpul in rezidente artistice unde creeaza lucrari a caror ambiguitate provoaca senzatii de disconfort și neliniste. In instalatiile sale, fragmente de text sau simple titluri il omagiaza modest pe Lev Kulesov. Penduland intre stari contradictorii, privitorul simte nevoia sa gaseasca o semnificatie stabila a operei de arta, dar atat lui, cat si artistului, nu ii ramane decat sa puna sub semnul intrebarii insusi procesul prin care aceasta semnificatie este construita. Aneli Munteanu se bucura de o relație speciala cu semnul intrebarii.
Galeria MORA & Aneli Munteanu
-an installation-
Friday, February 4th, 7 pm
“… the meaning of an image is not a sum total of the artist's, the viewer's, and the work's intentions. It is a battlefield or a bargaining table, where unconscious desires negotiate a compromise between often incompatible significations.” (a friend writing to the artist)
Aneli Munteanu spends her time away from Bucharest in art residencies, where she creates works whose unsettling ambiguity is meant to provoke feelings of discomfort and uneasiness. Her installations feature snippets of text or simple titles that pay a modest homage to Lev Kuleshov. Vacillating between contradictory emotions, the viewer feels compelled to find a stable meaning of the artwork, only to find himself, together with the artist, questioning the very process whereby this meaning is constructed. Aneli Munteanu enjoys a special relationship with question marks.
Galeria MORA
MORE then a space, freely interacting & experimenting within
exhibitions, public art projects, exchanges, art courses OPPORTUNITIES
promoting ROMANIAN visual arts,
emerging and up coming local, foreign and outside ARTISTS
Str. Grigore Mora nr.39
Sector 1 Bucureşti
T: (004) 021 316 55 41
F: (004) 021 22 89 29
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