Tuturor iubitorilor de arta
Dorim sa va anuntam ca Laika a intrat intr-un proces de transformare. In primul rand, a trecut de la statutul de artist-run space la cel de galerie privata. In legatura cu aceasta schimbare au aparut mai multe amanunte pe care vrem sa vi le comunicam:
Spatiul Laika:
Temporar am inchis spatiul din Bucuresti datorita implicarii noastre totale in largirea si renovarea unui nou spatiu expozitional din Cluj. Functionam tot in cadrul Fabricii de Pensule insa acum detinem un spatiu mai mare si mai primitor care va fi oficial deschis la sfarsitul lunii februarie 2011.
Viziunea Laika:
Devenind o galerie privata, Laika ofera o platforma solida pentru proiecte ambitioase orientate inspre tendintele contemporane si acorda o atentie speciala expertizei si profesionalismului. Laika isi propune sa promoveze artisti tineri dar si consacrati in special din Romania dar si de pe scena internationala de arta. De asemenea, suntem deschisi spre orice proiect inovator sau spre diverse tipuri de colaborare.
Oameni Laika:
Artistii direct implicati in Laika au decis sa se concentreze mai mult pe obiectivele personale ale carierei artistice si mai putin pe problemele administrative ale galeriei. Din acest motiv, Lucian Urdea s-a alaturat echipei in functia de Director. El se va ocupa direct de imaginea galeriei, de strategii PR si de aspectul logistic. Totodata, Lucian va fi responsabil de functionarea eficienta a galeriei si, mai tarziu, de stabilirea si organizarea expozitiilor, de promovarea acestora si de initierea procedurilor de vanzare din cadrul acestor expozitii. Laika reprezinta 5 artisti romani: Marius Bercea, Dan Beudean, Ioana Iacob, Vlad Olariu si Mircea Suciu.
Va vom trimite o invitatie de indata ce detaliile evenimentului de deschidere vor fi clar finalizate.
Pe curand
To all art lovers
We kindly want to announce that Laika stepped into a transformation process. First of all Laika changed its status from an artist-run space to a commercial art gallery. On the subject of this change, there are several important issues that we would like to bring to your attention:
Laika’s space:
We temporarily closed the space from Bucharest due to our total involvement in enlarging and renovating the new exhibiting place from Cluj. We are still functioning in the Paintbrushes Factory’s building but we have now a bigger and more welcoming space that will be officially open at the end of February 2011.
Laika’s vision:
Becoming a private gallery, Laika provides a strong platform for ambitious projects focusing on showcases of current trends and styles doubled by a deep sense of expertise and professionalism. Laika aims to promote emerging yet reputed artists, mainly from Romania, but also from the wide international art scene. We are also open for innovative projects or different types of collaborations.
Laika’s people:
The artists involved in Laika decided to focus more on personal artistic objectives and less on organizational and administrative issues. That’s why Lucian Urdea joined the team in the position of Director. He will take care of the gallery’s image, PR strategies and logistics. Lucian also will be responsible for the effective and profitable running of the gallery and further for the formulation and organization of exhibitions as well as marketing and initiating sales from those exhibitions. Laika represents 5 Romanian artists: Marius Bercea, Dan Beudean, Ioana Iacob, Vlad Olariu and Mircea Suciu.
We shall send you an invitation letter once the details of the opening event are finalized.
Hoping to meet you soon
59-61, Henri Barbusse, 4th floor, 400616, Cluj, Romania
+40723596628 / +40722551981, Tue – Sat, 16-20h
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