vineri, 2 septembrie 2011

Silvia Traistaru@Atelier 35

THE LAST COMMUNISTS´CONVENTION / Silvia Traistaru, Atelier 35

Luni, 5 septembrie 2011, ora 19.00, Atelier 35 va invita la deschiderea expozitiei Silviei Traistaru, intitulata The Last Communits´Convention.

La peste 20 de ani dupa caderea comunismului, majoritatea liderilor comunisti sunt inca la o scara larga in memoria colectiva a poporului. In 2004 am inceput acest proiect cercetand fenomenul comunismului.

Instalatia The Last Communists´ Convention” include 24 de tripticuri dimensiunea 40x80 cm, concepute intr-un stil pop, reprezentand portrete ale liderilor comunisti: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Ho Chi Minh, Josip Broz Tito, Mao Zedong, Nikita Khrushchev, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Deng Xiaoping, Wladyslaw Gomulka, Leonid Brezhnev, Salvador Allende, Enver Hoxha, Todor Zhivkov, Kim Ilsung, Janos Kadar, Erich Honecker, Nicolae Ceausescu, Alexander Dubcek, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez. Prezentarea instalatiei in expozitie se face gradual, in functie de anul nasterii personajelor care fac subiectul lucrarilor. Titlul face referire la o intalnire a tuturor liderilor comunisti, indiferent de epoca in care acestia au trait.

Acest proiect a fost expus partial in 2005 in Mainz, Germania, iar in 2010 expus in totalitate la Nord Art, Germania (curator Wolfgang Gramm).

Silvia Trăistaru (1979) traieste si lucreaza in Bucuresti ca artist vizual si restaurator de arta independent. Demersul sau artistic se extinde spre fotografie si video, insa o latura speciala a practicii sale ramane desenul si pictura. O tema importanta pe care o abordeaza este cea a portretului care surprinde realitatea din Romania post comunista. Pretextele culturale, politice, sociale si economice sunt subiectele centrale ale lucrarilor ei, dezvaluind lacunele sistemului din care face parte. Folosind o abordare vizuala care se concentreaza pe identitatea individului, prin prisma istoriei personale dar si a celei colective, lucrarile ei permit privitorului sa analizeze rolul memoriei sociale in viata de zi cu zi din Romania.

In 2010, lucrarea „My Mom at a Funeral" a fost selectata ca finalista si castigatoare a unui premiu special la cea de a 4-a editie a Concursului International Arte Laguna, Venetia Arsenale (curator Igor Zanti); in 2010 a participat la Expozitia Internationala Nord Art, Germania (curator Wolfgang Gramm); in 2009, "The Artists´s Magazine" ii selecteaza o lucrare ca finalista pentru cea de-a 26 editie a concursului anual organizat de respectiva publicatie; in 2009 participa la Cursul Experimental de Arta Contemporana, Loule, Portugalia si lucrarile le expune in cadrul „Mobilehome”, (curator Nuno Faria).

Expoziția este deschisă până la data de 19 septembrie 2011, miercuri - duminica 15.00 – 21.00

atelier 35 / strada S E L A R I numarul 13 / sector 3 BUCURESTI /

THE LAST COMMUNISTS´CONVENTION / Silvia Traistaru, Atelier 35

Venue: Atelier 35, Bucharest

Dates: 5 – 19 September 2011, We-Su 3 -9 pm

Opening: 5 September 2011, 7 pm

More than 20 years after the fall of the Communism, most communist leaders are still present in the collective memory of the people. In 2004 I started this project by researching the communist phenomenon.
The instalation "The Last Communists´Convention" includes 24th trypthics, 40x80 cm in size, painted in a pop style, representing portrets of the communist leaders: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Ho Chi Minh, Josip Broz Tito, Mao Zedong, Nikita Khrushchev, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Deng Xiaoping, Władysław Gomułka, Leonid Brezhnev, Salvador Allende, Enver Hoxha, Todor Zhivkov, Kim Ilsung, János Kádár, Erich Honecker, Nicolae Ceauşescu, Alexander Dubček, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Hugo Chávez. Presentation of the installation in the exhibition will be done gradually, by the birthyear of the subject's character. The title of this project refers to an imaginary meeting of all communist leaders, regardless of the era in which they lived. This project has been partially exhibited in 2005 in Mainz, Germany and totally exhibited in 2010 at Nord Art, also in Germany.
Silvia Traistaru (1979) lives and works in Bucharest, as a visual artist and independent art restorer. Her art extends to photography and video, but a very special part of her practice remains drawing and painting. An important theme of her approach is the portrait capturing the reality in the post communist Romania. Cultural, political social and economic pretexts are the central subjects of her works, revealing gaps in the system to which she belongs. Her work questions the role that social memory plays in everyday life. She uses a visual approach that focuses on individual identity through both personal and collective history and thus her works enables the viewer to analyze the role of social memory in Romania's everyday life.
In 2010, the painting „My Mom at a Funeral" was selected as finalist and winner of a special prize for the 4th International Arte Laguna Prize, Venice Arsenale (curated by Igor Zanti); in 2010 she has participated at Nord Art, Germany (curated by Wolfgang Gramm); in 2009 The Artist’s Magazine has selected one of her works as finalist for its 26th Annual Art Competition; in 2009, she participated at the Experimental course of contemporary art and exhibition ”Mobilehome´´, Portugal (curated by Nuno Faria).

atelier 35 / strada S E L A R I 13 / sector 3 BUCHAREST /

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