vineri, 21 iunie 2013

Ioana Nemes: Sometimes we shouldn’t pretend everything is OK @ Salonul de proiecte

Ioana Nemes: Sometimes we shouldn’t pretend everything is OK.
(scroll down for English version)

Vernisaj: vineri, 21 iunie, ora 19.00

Perioada: 21 iunie – 4 august 2013

Dupa doi ani de la disparitia Ioanei, ne-am asumat gestul unei prime tentative de a reflecta asupra parcursului ei artistic. Fara a avea pretentia unei retrospective, selectia lucrarilor se concentreaza asupra seriei Monthly Evaluations (2003-2011). Expozitia grupeaza o constelatie discontinua de “zile”, formand, dupa cum spunea Ioana, o “meta-naratiune a timpului consumat”, in care perceptia liniara a timpului e deturnata inspre un alt tip de citire. Formatul unei “zile” concentreaza in diverse formule vizuale un sistem riguros si elaborat prin care Ioana isi investiga parcursul existential, potrivit unor parametri care luau in considerare starea ei fizica, emotionala, intelectuala, financiara si coeficientul de noroc. Rigoarea evaluarii, care devenise un exercitiu constant in viata Ioanei, este contrabalansata de faptul ca ea ne deschide o cale de acces catre propria intimitate. Aceasta experienta reverbereaza mai departe, intr-un mod subtil si indeterminat, cu procesele interioare ale fiecaruia dintre noi.

Desi a fost un exercitiu dificil, reluarea contactului cu arhiva de “zile” ne-a reapropiat de Ioana, si, in acelasi timp, ne-a facut sa devenim constiente de schimbarea inevitabila de perceptie cauzata de faptul ca re-lectura lor se produce acum, cand ea nu mai e printre noi. Majoritatea lucrarilor din expozitie sunt reconstructii dupa “zile” si “luni” concepute de Ioana de-a lungul timpului, astfel incat sunt aratate pentru prima oara in acelasi spatiu diversele moduri de conceptualizare a acestei teme.

Ne dorim ca aceasta expozitie sa deschida calea catre noi cercetari si perspective asupra unui artist atat de complex ca Ioana. Alte fatete ale practicii ei merita o atentie la fel de sustinuta. In conjunctie cu expozitia de la Salonul de proiecte vor aparea doua publicatii-insert in revista IDEA arta + societate, ce prezinta texte nou comisionate scrise de doua curatoare cu care Ioana Nemes a colaborat indeaproape: Livia Paldi si Alina Serban. Aceste publicatii, care contin in plus un interviu cu Ioana Nemes si un text al ei nepublicat pana acum, vor fi disponibile la vernisaj.

Multumiri speciale: KILOBASE BUCHAREST, Apparatus 22, Ioana Nemes Circle of Friends, Jiri Svestka Gallery Prague/Berlin, Livia Paldi, Alina Serban, Claudia Pascu, Tim Nadasan, Anne Barlow, Courtenay Finn, Bettina Sporr.


Ioana Nemes (1979 – 2011) a fost unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti artisti romani din generatia ei. A studiat fotografia cu Iosif Kiraly la Universitatea Nationala de Arte din Bucuresti. De asemenea, ea a fost recunoscuta ca sportiva de performanta in echipa nationala de handball pana la varsta de 21 de ani cand, in urma unui accident grav, a hotarat sa studieze arta. Lucrarile si cautarile Ioanei Nemes au fost stimulate de necesitatea ei de a vizualiza si comunica cat de clar posibil mecanismele ascunse in spatele sistemelor vizuale, lingvistice si psihologice care ne definesc.

Lucrarile ei au fost expuse la Art in General, NY (2011), Secession, Viena (2010), Istanbul Biennial (2009), Smart Project Space, Amsterdam (2009), U-Turn, Copenhaga (2008), Prague Biennial (2007), Bucharest Biennial (2006), Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel (2006), iar recent in expozitii precum Ritual without Myth, Royal College of Art, Londra (2012), Desire is War, Galeria de Arta Contemporana a Muzeului National Brukenthal, Sibiu (2011), Communism Never Happened, Charim Gallery, Viena (2011) si in publicatii precum 100 New Artists (editura Laurence King) si Romanian Cultural Resolution (editura Hatje Cantz). A obtinut rezidente la Art in General (2011), IASPIS Stockholm (2010), Kulturkontakt Viena (2004) si a primit Future of Europe Art Prize din partea Galerie Fur Zeitgenossische Kunst, Leipzig (2007).


Ioana Nemes: Sometimes we shouldn’t pretend everything is OK.

21 June – 4 August, 2013
Opening: Friday, 21 June, 7 p.m.

Two years after Ioana passed away, we have taken upon ourselves the gesture of making a first attempt to reflect upon her artistic practice. Without any claim to being a retrospective, the selection of works concentrates on the Monthly Evaluations series (2003-2011). The exhibition brings together a discontinuous constellation of “days”, which, as Ioana used to say, form “a meta-narrative of consumed time”, in which the linear perception of time is diverted towards a different kind of reading. In various visual formats, the schema of a “day” condenses a rigorous, elaborate system whereby Ioana investigated her existential journey, according to parameters that took into account her physical, emotional, intellectual and financial state and the coefficient of luck. The rigour of the method of evaluation, which became a constant exercise in Ioana’s life, is counterbalanced by the fact that she opens to us a means of accessing own intimacy. This experience continues to reverberate, in a subtle and indeterminate way, with the inner processes of each and every one of us.

Although it was difficult, the exercise of re-establishing contact with the archive of “days” brought us closer to Ioana once more and at the same time made us become aware of the inevitable shift in perception caused by the fact that re-reading them occurs now, when she is no longer among us. The majority of the works in the exhibition are reconstructions of the “days” and “months” conceived by Ioana over the course of time, and so the various ways of conceptualising this subject are shown here in the same space for the first time.

We would like this exhibition to open the way to new research and perspectives on an artist as complex as Ioana. Other aspects of her artistic practice deserve similarly sustained attention. In conjunction with the exhibition at the Salonul de proiecte, two inserts will be published in IDEA arts + society magazine, presenting newly commissioned texts written by two curators with whom Ioana Nemes worked closely: Livia Paldi and Alina Serban. These publications, which also include an interview with Ioana Nemes and a hitherto unpublished text by her, will be available at the opening of the exhibition.

Special thanks: KILOBASE BUCHAREST, Apparatus 22, Ioana Nemes Circle of Friends, Jiri Svestka Gallery Prague/Berlin, Livia Paldi, Alina Serban, Claudia Pascu, Timotei Nadasan, Anne Barlow, Courtenay Finn, Bettina Sporr.

Ioana Nemes (1979-2011) was one of the most acknowledged and exhibited Romanian artists of her generation. She studied photography with Iosif Kiraly at the National University of Arts Bucharest. She was also known as a former professional handball player, who turned artist at the age of 21 after a serious knee accident. Nemes’s drive was fueled by the necessity to visualize and communicate as clearly as possible the hidden mechanism behind linguistic, visual, and psychological systems that define us.

Nemes participated in Istanbul Biennial, (2009), U-Turn Copenhagen (2008), Prague Biennial (2007) and Bucharest Bienniale 2 (2006). Her works have been shown in Art in General, NY (2011), Secession, Vienna (2010), Smart Project Space, Amsterdam (2009) and Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel (2006) and most recently in exhibitions like Ritual without Myth, Royal College of Art, London (2012), Desire is War, The Contemporary Art Gallery of Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu (2011), Communism Never Happened, Charim Gallery, Vienna (2011) and publications like 100 New Artists (publisher Laurence King) and Romanian Cultural Resolution (publisher Hatje Cantz).

She was a resident at Art in General NY (2011), IASPIS Stockholm (2010) and Kulturkontakt Vienna (2004). She received the Future of Europe Art Prize from Galerie Für Zeitgenossische Kunst, Leipzig (2007).

She was part of different collectives working in art, fashion and interior design contexts: KILOBASE BUCHAREST (2011), Apparatus 22 (2011), Rozalb de Mura (2004 - 2010) and Liste Noire (2004 - 2011).

Ioana Nemes a lucrat si ca membru al mai multor colective active in arta, moda si design interior: KILOBASE BUCHAREST (2011), Apparatus 22 (2011), Rozalb de Mura (2004 - 2010) si Liste Noire (2004 - 2011).

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